Supporting the Development
of Safe Water Capacity
We have developed a special program to address the need to respond to the development of Safe Water Capacity from Townships to Cities, State and Federal to address public water systems that provides water for human consumption to at least 25 people or 15 service connections. More than ninety-seven percent of the nation’s one hundred and fifty-six thousand public water systems are small and serve ten thousand or fewer people.
Water System Partnerships are a cross-program, problem-solving tool for building TMF capacity and addressing unique challenges, especially in small systems. In addition to improving a system’s capacity, partnerships can help improve regulatory compliance and public health by providing safe, reliable, affordable, and accessible drinking water.
Capacity development is a fundamental component of the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments. The SDWA Amendments provide a framework for states and water systems to work together to protect public health. Every state has developed a Capacity Development Program to assist public water systems in building TMF capacity.
We desire to support the building of successful Water System Partnerships that operates primarily in four types: informal cooperation, contractual assistance, joint power agency, or ownership transfer.