Air Pollution, Analysis & Remediation
Air pollution is caused by harmful substances exposed to the Earth’s atmosphere, such as particulates and biological molecules. Our environmental pollution analysis applies analytical chemistry and other techniques to study the environment.
PESTLE and SWOT analysis are part of our approaches to help organizations assess their strategic positions based on various internal and external factors.
This is commonly to monitor and study levels of pollutants in the atmosphere, rivers, and other settings.
We undertake the analysis function to find the value of minimum, maximum, range, mean, standard deviation, and variance of the air pollutant parameters. Our service help to provide air quality standards and objectives for key air pollutants, designed to protect human health and the environment.
Air Quality Impact Evaluation (AQIE) is an evaluation, using approved computer models, of the ambient air quality impacts that the public may be expected to be exposed to due to air pollution emissions from one or more facilities. The pollutants emitted by the facility, the emission rates, stack parameters (e.g., heights, flow rates, temperature), building parameters, terrain, and meteorology are all taken into account to predict potential ambient impacts caused by the facility.
Environmental site remediation involves removing pollution or contaminants from soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water. It includes systematic steps involving detection, investigation, and hazard assessments of suspected contaminated sites. Remedial activities are designed to reverse toxic changes in soil and water, eliminate site pollution, and protect sensitive receptors, such as people, the environment, and ecology. Air quality is an essential environmental media that acts as an ecological pathway for contaminants to reach receptors. Air monitoring at remediation sites detects and mitigates nuisance dust and toxic pollutants emitted during remedial works, including dust particles, aerosols, odors, vapors, and heavy metals.