The onsite hearing testing program is an integral part of the hearing conservation program and keeps businesses in compliance with OSHA regulations. Our dedicated team is at your disposal, providing a centralized solution to all your industrial hearing needs.
Our Mobile Hearing Test Units are OSHA compliant and most suited for delivering occupational hearing loss prevention programs. Equipped with audiology booths inside provides the best environment to deliver examinations where permanent facilities don’t exist. Mobile Hearing Testing has never been this easy.
We deliver consistent and dependable audiometric testing to all your worksite locations nationwide with a fleet of mobile testing units. The comfortable and private mobile units eliminate the inconvenience of sending employees to off-site clinics – reducing disruption, travel, and labor cost associated with compliance obligations.
● Complete testing, training, and counseling options to meet your needs
● Immediate electronic evaluation of audiograms from employees
● Quick validation for standard threshold shift
● Reports available at the end of test day
● Review from audiologist to spot problems or consult on evaluations
We have you covered if you need OSHA audiometric testing, MSHA hearing testing, or other regulatory hearing screenings.
Our certified audiometric technicians conduct mobile hearing testing under the supervision of certified and licensed Occupational Audiologists, experts in hearing conservation.